RED solved one of the biggest issues with their system with the release of the DSMC3 series – being able to pick it up and shoot straight out of the box.
While this is huge since it means you have to collect a bunch of accessories, like a display, just to get started, there are some limitations with design that will demand that you build up your own rig.
One limitation, in particular, is the screen size and location on the KOMODO-X. It’ll work in a pinch, sure, but it certainly isn’t ergonomic or the highest quality available being only 2.9” and on the top.
If you are looking for the best on-camera monitor, filmmaker Tyler Edwards has a recommendation.
So what monitor is it? The RED DSMC3 Touch Monitor, of course. The 7” display is actually made by SmallHD, who has a great history of producing solid monitors.
They also have developed a great, easy-to-use touch interface platform that makes it easy to access all their exposure and color tools.
The other benefit of this monitor is that you get full control over the camera as well. This means you can easily change resolutions, frame rates, etc. through the touchscreen.
It’s a large 7” display so you will have plenty of space to go through the options.

Image Credit: RED
Since this monitor uses USB-C and the Pogo mount instead of the SDI output of the camera you will then be able to use the SDI port for more functions. Makes it easier to then attach a wireless transmitter to send the signal to a video village or your 1st AC.
This setup can help with overall usability as well. You’ll get another record button on the bottom right of the monitor’s screen if you want to use it and the left side has four user-programmable buttons to change monitor or camera settings.
The way this attaches is very clean. You’ll often run into either a mess of cables or components when you start rigging up the camera properly so any way you can clean things up is an advantage.
The sole cable can be the Achilles’ heel as it is expensive to replace and if you lose or break it you’ll need to replace it to work. It helps make it more versatile when it comes to placement, but you’ll likely want to have a spare at all times just in case.

Image Credit: RED
Right now the design does limit it to the RED KOMODO-X, V-RAPTOR, and V-RAPTOR XL. It also isn’t able to work on other cameras as it is configured specifically for the DSMC3 system.
The monitor itself is great with the large, bright 7” panel and the SmallHD OS.
What do you think about RED’s monitor?
[source: Tyler Edwards]
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