The new kid on the block in the world of professional cinema cameras – Kinefinity is already well-known for its affordable and reasonably priced cameras the KineRAW S35, KineMINI and KineMAX that provide an impressive feature set and excellent image quality. The ability to shoot Raw in various high-resolution formats internally on consumer SSDs makes these cinema acquisition tools quite appealing for many seasoned professionals and enthusiasts alike. Now, these cameras become an even more viable option.
Kinefinity Europe just announced that the dedicated free transcoding software KineStation already officially supports Apple ProRes. This means that now Kinefinity users can effortlessly transcode the proprietary compressed raw format Kineraw to different ProRes flavours using the KineStation. Michel Juknat from Kinefinity Europe showcases the new workflow in the video below.
Apple ProRes comes as a free implementation in the KineStation software that still can be downloaded at no additional cost. To transcode the Kineraw footage open the KineStation, choose your source clips, select the destination directory and under Target Codec pick the ProRes option that best suits your workflow. Keep in mind though that for the moment you can choose only between ProRes 422 LT, ProRes Proxy and ProRes HQ. It’s unknown whether the other ProRes options will be available anytime soon.
Now you can easily preview your ProRes shots by utilising the Apple’s Quick Preview mode which unfortunately doesn’t support the native Kineraw format, neither CinemaDNG.
Finally, you can import the ProRes files in your NLE of choice and apply a 3D LUT or colour grade them manually as you prefer. Overall, this is an essential update that puts Kinefinity cameras and Kineraw workflow in particular in a totally different league. The ability to transcode Kineraw to the industry standard intermediate codec such as ProRes makes these tools even more enticing for many independent productions.
The ability to shoot 6K raw internally with a camera system providing 14 stops of dynamic range and costing less than $10,000 is a serious achievement, to say the least, so slowly but surely, Kinefinity will continue to gain more and more traction in this highly competitive market segment. For more information head over to Kinefinity Europe.
[via HDVideoshop Berlin]
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