What Will Happen If You Mount a $60,000 Broadcast Lens On Your GH4?

If for any reason you are not satisfied with the available lens options for your Panasonic GH4, and you still want to capture some amazing images in a more unconventional way then you may consider utilising some high-end broadcast lenses such as the mighty Fujinon XA55. The problem though is that it will cost you the whopping $60,000.

The lens is a 9.5-525mm f/1.7 lens, but with a 2x extender and the 2.3X crop factor of the GH4, it’s the 35mm equivalent of a 44-2,415mm lens. Yes, that’s 2415mm on the long end! You will also have to find a way to control the iris and the zoom plus you will need a robust B4 to MFT adaptor to mount it on your GH4.

However, I’m pretty sure that the extra work invested in this set-up will pay off in the end. Yet, If you are not certain whether this workflow will suite your next project and what type of results to expect, only watch the following video.

You also should be prepared for some minor inconveniences that come with this combo, besides the extra weight of the rig, of course. If you are planning to shoot outdoors on a sunny day, the odds are you won’t be able to find a 230mm ND filter for the lens so the only choice you will have is to shoot using fast shutter speeds instead.

On the other hand, picking a close up or a middle shot of a person standing 2-3 miles away of you shouldn’t be an issue at all. If you are still not sold on the idea, may be the possibility to capture the Moon from your backyard in its full glory may convince you eventually.

The given example proves one more time that paying some extra cash for lenses is always a worthy investment, especially if you are ready to spend more than $60,000 on a single lens.

[via: Peta Pixel, Source: SirJonnyCargo]

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