New Raw Footage from the New Kinefinity KineMINI 4K Released

You might have heard about Kinefinity before, they are a Chinese camera manufacturer that popped up on the radar a couple of years back with their KineRAW S35 digital cinema camera.

The camera featured some impressive specs (S35mm sensor/2K/Cineraw/Raw Cinema DNG/Slow-motion) at an equally impressive sub-$10,000 price-point.

Fast-forward to 2014, when earlier in the year Kinefinity announced two new cameras – the KineMINI 4K and the KineMAX 6K. We haven’t seen much footage from either cameras, except for a short Behind-the-scenes demo and footage released around NAB 2014, but the 4K KineMINI has been slowly trickling down from China to customers in Europe and the US.

We did a post about the specs on the Kinefinity KineMINI 4K and the KineMAX 6K last week here, so check it out if you haven’t already.

kinemini_c Mini 4k Side

Earlier last week, Berlin based HDVideoShop – the official EU dealer for Kinefinity, shared new Raw footage from the KineMINI 4K alongside some Behind-the-scenes footage and a work-flow video for their KineStation software. Videos courtesy of MJIT Berlin.

Keep in mind the raw footage (CinemaDNG to CineformRAW conversion was done in KineStation) in the above video is ungraded and straight from the camera, hence the washed-out look. Even ungraded, the improvement in colour science over the previous generation camera – the KineRAW S35 is evident.

Here’s the behind-the-scenes/making-of video Part 1:

And Part 2 below:

In the video below you can see the KineStation CinemaDNG Raw to Cineform Raw transfer utility by Kinefinity in action.

The Kinefinity range of cameras is slowly, but surely gaining fans in the filmmaking community. It may take some time for it to carve a niche in the already saturated marketplace, however as more video samples come out, and as people receive their pre-ordered cameras and test them in the field, chances are these cameras might give other manufacturers like Red or Blackmagic Design a good run for their money.

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