Studio Binder Lets You Send Out Call Sheets via Personalised Email & SMS

Production management and scheduling can easily become a nightmare to deal with. Call sheets, which are designed to get everyone in the cast and crew on the same page and make sure sure each and everyone knows when and where they’re expected for the particular shoot date. I experienced the pain of scheduling the “old-fashioned way” via Excel spreadsheets and email while shooting my feature film. Often times emails will bounce back or crew member won’t be able to open the attached films. I had actually sent out an email to a wrong address too. So to avoid all that, the folks behind Studio Binder have come with with a really neat app that lets producers send out personalised emails and text messages to everyone in your cast and crew and receive a confirmation that they have received and read it.

You Can Save Time with Profiles

The app looks straightforward and intuitive. Simply add your crew and cast members to a project, and they’ll provide all the details you need; from dietary requirements, credited names, pay check information, agent contact details and more. If you happen to work with the same team often as many people do, you have the option to just re-invite your cast/crew to your next project and all their info will be available immediately.

studio binder profiles

You can Elegant Call Times by Email & Text Messages
Being able to send out call times as emails and text messages to make sure that your cast and crew receive their call times, bring order to the chaos of information. Personalized notes to your call-times can be added as well such as reminding a crew member to pickup a piece of kit. Provide actors with unique parking details or just tell your entire production to “bundle up, it’ll be cold.”

Studio Binder will feature personalised emails and text messages with only the necessary information for each cast/crew member specific to their role on set, this way you don’t inundate them with unnecessary info.


Track When Call Times are Confirmed
Sending out call sheets via email can be like waiting for a dead man to reply back, you just never know if they received it or opened it. With Studio Binder, recipients confirm their call times with a click of a button so you can sidestep the uncertainty.

What we know so far is that Studio Binder is currently in pre-launch mode, they are expected to launch to the public within the next few weeks and to be notified when this happens – best to get on their invite list here. Pricing has not been announced yet, but have been told it will be a freemium app, with free basic features and paid extra ones, however we don’t know yet which ones those will be. Once we do we’ll let you know. In the meantime for more info visit Studio Binder.

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